Raise Awareness of Second-Hand Smoking


I was recently contacted by someone who wanted help with a great cause. He’s written something and asked me to post it, so here it is:

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Temporary Hiatus

I know that there hasn’t been a post in ages, and that’s because even though the year is ending, I have more work than ever. I’ve been going to bed exhausted with no free time because of all the school work I’m getting so I will put this blog on an official hiatus until summer break. But don’t worry,

Back from a BBQ

Hey everyone. I just got back from a BBQ at a family friend’s house that I’ve been at all day. First of all, it was soooo boring. I didn’t know anyone there and finished by book within 2 or 3 hours of being there. The rest of the time that I wasn’t eating, I was pacing. I’ve been pacing for hours and have probably walked for 20 or 30 km. I’ve been so bored the whole day since all I’ve done is walk and eat, I felt the urge to spread my day of boredom with you guys.

I’m Back

I know I’ve been MIA for the past while but that’s because for the past 4 days, I’ve had a fever of like 40 degrees Celsius (If you use a different measurement, then I’ll just tell you that it’s pretty damn high). I’m back now and I’ll write something new as soon as I catch up on my work that I missed.

CISPA, ACTA, and Other Things That Ruined The Internet

I won’t pretend to know everything about these bills like ACTA, which by the way, was already passed in the U.S.A., and CISPA, but I know that this is really stupid. As most of you have probably figured out by now, my posting schedule is very random and is just whenever I feel like posting something new, and after hearing about yet another bill to ruin the internet, I just felt the need to write this. First it was SOPA and PIPA, then can ACTA, and now CISPA. Why can’t you guys just leave the internet alone? It’s perfectly fine. The internet is kind of like the real world. There are the regular places you go to like the supermarket, and there’s also the darker, shadier parts of town. As far as I know, all those bills/laws are pretty much just trying to destroy the darker parts, but is ruining the regular, perfectly fine areas too. You wouldn’t do this in the real world, so why do it online? That’s all I have to say on the matter.

Game of the Month: The Binding of Isaac

Well, it’s finally here. If any of you are religious (Don’t hate me, but I’m not), you might be thinking “Is this a religious game” because of the title. Well, it kind of is.

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Technical Difficulties

My laptops having spazz so I can’t connect to the internet with it, so this will slow down my progress with the post, but fear not, I’ll still post it as promised. I just need to transfer the post file over to my family computer and finish it there. This is just a little heads up.

Hey Everyone! I’m Not Dead!

Yep, I’m not dead. I know I haven’t posted since March Break, but don’t worry, I haven’t died, or given up on the blog. I’ve been pretty busy in real life with work from school, and helping some friends out with some personal problems (If you’re reading this, you know who you are). I promise that I’ll get the post of the month out soon guys.

Post-athon Day 5 Game of the Month: Anything But WoW

Well, it’s the last day of the post-athon, and that means the game of the month. This month, I picked “Anything but WoW”. I know this isn’t a game, but I just want to say that I’m really sick of MMORPGs all being the same thing. I know World of Warcraft isn’t the only one, and I don’t literally mean anything but WoW, but I kind of blame WoW for being the game that others copy, creating the plague of generic MMORPGs.

While I am criticizing a lot of MMOs, I do want to complement the games like Vindictus, Tera, Dragon Nest, and even Maplestory though many people make jokes about the ridiculous head size among other things. Even though a lot of people hate on Nexon, me being among them some times, I just want to say that Nexon makes some really great, unique games, that I really enjoy.

I’m not saying that World of Warcraft is bad or anything, but I blame it for being the role model for most of the MMOs out there, making them all identical clones of each other.  It’s not hard to make something unique, simply add something different, like maybe first person, ability to chain attacks and moves, something simple can make a game so much better, as well as unique.

You all have probably gotten my point, so there’s no need to go on. The true game of the month, goes to…

All those unique games that actually made something different, something that isn’t the generic “WoW Clone” as people call it. This was a half rant, half thanks about MMORPGs. I know none of you probably expected this, but I just wanted to get this out into the gaming community, because I know a whole lot of people are also tired of the generic MMORPGs of this time.

This is my opinion, feel free to tell me how you feel about this in the comments, or message me.

March Break Post-athon Day 4: Perfect World International

The 4th and last post-athon post before the Game of the Month is here. Tomorrow will be the game of the month, and I think you’re going to be really surprised when I post it. Perfect World Internation (PWI) is a game I played last year with some of my friends. It’s was fun for a while, but I got bored of it.

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